My Guy <3

Mar 2024


my speech at the most painful event I've ever had to attend

Never thought we’d be having such an event, at such a time

But in all things, we give thanks

Richard and I’s relationship was one I never saw coming

We became friends some time around 2017, a time when God was clearly placing or replacing key people in my life

Our’s started over a conversation at work that went something like this.

Richard said “I feel like I don’t have deep enough male connections in my life”

This was something I related to

Maybe because we both came from similar family dynamics with two brothers which are often times all the friends you have as a guy

Or because we both found it easier with female friendship connections

Long story short, the other person in that conversation that day looked at both of us and said something like “well, you guys are perfect for each other”

From that day, Richard and I developed the strongest and most intentional male connection I have made in this city.

Richard was loving, fun and honest to me.

We shared precious life moments in many areas

From our thankfulness to God,




creative projects,

love for music and dancing to a good song,

Love for speed Darlington


friendship and love for others

to health concerns

He shared his friends and family with me and I with him.

Because of Richard I now call many people in this room my friends

He loved you all deeply

Richard was good

God is good

Love you my bro


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